Should We Celebrate Our Work in Progress?In the age of social media, a vast number of us tend to celebrate only the finished product of our work.May 27, 2017May 27, 2017
Can you write 100 words a day?Apparently, the question above already has seven words and thirty characters in total. Seven percent of the challenge completed, just in…May 26, 2017May 26, 2017
Perguntas Folosólicas.Manhã. Dirigindo na estrada rumo ao trabalho. Trânsito pesadíssimo. Típico de San Jose e toda a South Bay, área do Vale do Silício onde se…May 30, 20161May 30, 20161
Pholosolical Questions.Not so early morning. I’m on the freeway driving to work. Heavy traffic. Typical from the South Bay, the area in Silicon Valley that…May 30, 20161May 30, 20161
How I Lost My Sight, But Not My VisionA real life story about the power of forgivenessFeb 1, 20165Feb 1, 20165
Writing on the go, mobile first.I’m writing this from my iPhone, using Medium’s iOS app. It’s a simple test.May 20, 20151May 20, 20151
5 Creative Secrets I Learned from PixarBehind-the-scenes insights from their staffApr 29, 2013Apr 29, 2013