Go to UX Collective 🇧🇷
UX Collective 🇧🇷
Curadoria de artigos de UX, Visual e Product Design.
Note from the editor

O UX Collective (ISSN: 2766–5267) é uma publicação de design independente que apoia designers a formarem pensamento crítico sobre a profissão. E-mail: artigo@uxdesign.cc

Go to the profile of Fabricio Teixeira
Fabricio Teixeira
Designer, Editor at UX Collective + DOC + Sidebar.io http://linkedin.com/in/fabricioteixeira
Go to the profile of Caio Braga
Caio Braga
designer @ SurveyMonkey, editor @ UX Collective
Go to the profile of Rafael Frota
Rafael Frota
Designer no Ton, Editor do UX Collective 🇧🇷
Go to the profile of Vinicius Roberto
Vinicius Roberto
Tech Lead em Grupo Boticário
Go to the profile of Jeancarlo Cerasoli
Jeancarlo Cerasoli
: Brazilian UX manager at www.ciandt.com, scifi fan and a lot of other things.
Go to the profile of Victor Campanha
Victor Campanha
Product Designer at Nubank and cheese lover.
Go to the profile of Paulo Floriano
Paulo Floriano
Co-fundador da produtosparahumanos.cc. Autor. Educador. São Paulo, BR. 🏳️‍🌈
Go to the profile of Paula Macedo
Paula Macedo
17+y humanizing technologies. Senior Design Lead at Nubank empowering people and fighting against complexity in finance services *Personal opinion only*
Go to the profile of Rafa Bombana
Rafa Bombana
Designer, founding team at Noh
Go to the profile of Fernanda Joris
Fernanda Joris
Ux Designer & Innovation Consultant
Go to the profile of matina.moreira
Service Designer | UX | www.matinamoreira.com
Go to the profile of Gabriel Pinheiro Maciel
Gabriel Pinheiro Maciel
UX Strategist who believes that behind metrics and standards are real people.
Go to the profile of Andlei Lisboa
Andlei Lisboa
Product Design and Research Leader
Go to the profile of Vinícius Miraglia
Vinícius Miraglia
Head of Design at Saúde iD
Go to the profile of Rayssa Araújo
Rayssa Araújo
user experience research designer at @IPSY and crazy lady plants, moccha addicted ☕ 🐹 https://www.linkedin.com/in/rayssaaraujo/
Go to the profile of Al Lucca
Al Lucca
Designer— Host of Expatria.co podcast — Newsletter The Design Edition — Mentor @trydesignlab — Conteúdo (mostly) em Português
Go to the profile of Marina Del Freo
Marina Del Freo
Product & Service Design Manager
Go to the profile of Diogo Marquetti
Diogo Marquetti
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Diego Eis
Diego Eis
Digital Product Management
Go to the profile of Lucas Lopes
Lucas Lopes
Conversations in tech, design leadership & transformation by design. Product lead @ WT Tech Brasil.
Go to the profile of Bruno Duarte
Bruno Duarte
Product Design Manager @ LearnUpon. Formerly at Farfetch, Philips Design, Senior and some other great companies. http://www.bruno-duarte.com
Go to the profile of Paulo Peres (PP)
Paulo Peres (PP)
Design Manager + Design Specialist + Business thinker + Books + Smile. https://linkedin.com/in/pauloperes
Go to the profile of João Carlos Assumpção
João Carlos Assumpção
UX Designer @ Infoglobo
Go to the profile of Brunno Apolonio
Brunno Apolonio
Design Researcher & Strategist
Go to the profile of Simon Robinson
Simon Robinson
Co-author of Deep Tech and the Amplified Organisation, Customer Experiences with Soul and Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter. CEO of Holonomics
Go to the profile of Gabriel Telhado
Go to the profile of Gustavo Lorenzini
Gustavo Lorenzini
Bacharel em Design gráfico, cursando MBA em Branding Innovation. Apaixonado por design, ajudo algumas marcas a contarem a sua história.
Go to the profile of Letícia Pires
Letícia Pires
I help teams create engaging product experiences and new services. Design Director @QuintoAndar.
Go to the profile of Caroline Guilherme
Caroline Guilherme
Interaction Designer. Working at RD Station, Co-Founder of Mulheres de Produto https://bit.ly/2JfrPQi
Go to the profile of Patrícia Panza
Patrícia Panza
Designer desde 2010, amante de pastel desde 1990. Tentando redatear pelo medium. Ukulelista nas horas vagas.
Go to the profile of André Dantas
André Dantas
crio coisas drehdantas.com
Go to the profile of Helora Dana
Go to the profile of Pablo Menezes
Pablo Menezes
I talk about Product Management, Projects, Agile, Leadership and other stuffs
Go to the profile of Elisabet De Marco
Elisabet De Marco
UX Researcher e eterna aprendiz. Sou apaixonada pelo aprendizado de campo e acredito que pesquisa garante o impacto de Design no negócio.
Go to the profile of Leandro Rezende
Leandro Rezende
Instrutor de UX @ Udemy, Product Designer @ InkMustache, e Gestor de TI @ Supremo Tribunal Federal.
Go to the profile of Gabriel Felix
Gabriel Felix
UX Designer
Go to the profile of Guilherme Zafra
Guilherme Zafra
UX/Produto na Yapay.com.br
Go to the profile of Lucas Cruz
Lucas Cruz
Designer by heart at Maark.
Go to the profile of Karina Arruda
Karina Arruda
Lead Product Designer
Go to the profile of Mônica Boing
Mônica Boing
Uso esse espaço para compartilhar minha jornada nesse mundo novo chamado UX. Quem também está nessa, toca aqui o/
Go to the profile of Marcela Hippe
Marcela Hippe
Product Design Manager @ Sympla
Go to the profile of Samanta Miranda
Samanta Miranda
UX Designer at Alterdata Software
Go to the profile of Jonatan Zylbersztejn
Jonatan Zylbersztejn
Product Designer at Netspaces
Go to the profile of Renata Ferreira
Renata Ferreira
UX Designer, um nome bonito para resolvedora de problemas.
Go to the profile of Mariane Lorente
Mariane Lorente
Head of Design Ops @ Stone | São Paulo, Brasil
Go to the profile of Bruno Araujo
Bruno Araujo
Senior Product Designer @ HIAE — Specializing in Design System Ops and passionate about shaping user-centered, scalable, and consistent interfaces.
Go to the profile of Flavio Pires
Flavio Pires
Human being. Designer.
Go to the profile of Danilo Barros
Danilo Barros
Designer | Aficionado por criatividade, pessoas e experiências 🚀
Go to the profile of Thiago Lucas
Thiago Lucas
Pensamentos sobre polimatia, design e percepção da marca. Diretor de criação da Pencimagico. UX Collective BR /Polymath Ass / New Order BR / Polimatia Lifestyle
Go to the profile of Renato Lopes Lidio
Renato Lopes Lidio
Product Designer and UX student
Go to the profile of Ubiratan Silva
Go to the profile of Thiago Barcelos
Thiago Barcelos
Principal Product Designer @SumUp
Go to the profile of Natália Medina
Natália Medina
Product Designer at Arcotech
Go to the profile of Gabriela Vieira
Gabriela Vieira
Product Designer/UX based in São Paulo, Brazil. Conheça mais do meu trabalho https://gabrielagomes.portfolio.site/
Go to the profile of Patricia Belo
Patricia Belo
Go to the profile of Suzana Demetrio
Go to the profile of Anne Mendes
Anne Mendes
UX Tech Lead at @MercadoLibre
Go to the profile of Nath Yamauti
Nath Yamauti
UX Specialist | Strategy, research and digital products. Teacher @Tera and @FIAP. Cats, technology and matcha lover. https://linktr.ee/nath.yamauti
Go to the profile of Bruno S. Araújo
Bruno S. Araújo
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Carol Bozzi
Go to the profile of Fernando França
Fernando França
research, business & service design lead no iti Itaú
Go to the profile of Bianca Herculano
Bianca Herculano
Product Designer at XP Inc.
Go to the profile of Lucas Cordeiro
Lucas Cordeiro
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Felipe A. Carriço
Felipe A. Carriço
Product Designer & Mentor & Teacher & Curious
Go to the profile of Henrique Bustamante
Henrique Bustamante
Product thinker, designer de berço e apaixonado pela família, nas horas vagas sempre estuda como um produto deve ser melhorado através da melhor experiência.
Go to the profile of Júlia Pedroso
Júlia Pedroso
Founder and Designer at Giove Design. https://giovedesign.com/
Go to the profile of Sónia Gomes
Sónia Gomes
⚡️ UX & Product Design Leader ⚡️ User Experience (UX), Product Strategy, Design Operations. Hands-on design leader.
Go to the profile of Camila Martins
Camila Martins
Content Designer no Enjoei. Comunicadora. Especialista em Neurociência e Psicologia Aplicada. Pós-graduanda em Storytelling e Escrita Criativa. Feminista. Mãe.
Go to the profile of Ronaldo Andrade
Ronaldo Andrade
Product Designer at SportNinja. Get in touch: https://linkedin.com/in/ronaldoandrad
Go to the profile of Odair Faléco
Odair Faléco
AI Artist & Consultant • UX Lead at Accenture Song, previously R/GA • Founder https://zero1cine.com • Author • Speaker • Musician | https://ai.ofaleco.xyz/
Go to the profile of Victória Molgado
Victória Molgado
Design translator and professional questioner ✢ Writing ocasionally to share some ideias
Go to the profile of Marcelo M
Go to the profile of Julia Nascimento
Julia Nascimento
UX Designer at Booking.com — Figma Advocate - VagasUX
Go to the profile of Matheus Andrade
Matheus Andrade
Um cara que ama pensar filosofia, existencialismo, ciência, psicologia e comunicação. Esperem textos singulares e uma percepção subjetiva de ver as coisas.
Go to the profile of Ailton de Andrade
Ailton de Andrade
Product Designer recifense apaixonado por criar soluções que impactem a vida das pessoas!
Go to the profile of Nerival Ferraz
Nerival Ferraz
Thinking out loud.
Go to the profile of João Traini
João Traini
UX @ Sami Saúde / Mentor @ UX Unicórnio 🦄
Go to the profile of Guilherme de Paula
Guilherme de Paula
UX Research, Strategy e Service Design
Go to the profile of Diego Trovo
Diego Trovo
Acredito que todo produto deve fazer sentido na vida do usuário, assim como no equilíbrio entre a Tecnologia e o seu Negócio.
Go to the profile of Murilo Fernandes
Murilo Fernandes
Product Designer com experiência diversificada em design e no mundo da tecnologia.
Go to the profile of Marianna Piacesi
Marianna Piacesi
Design System Ops e Organizadora da VagasUX
Go to the profile of Heryk Slawski
Heryk Slawski
UX Designer, Facilitador e Contador de Histórias. Segue lá: http://instagram.com/falecomh
Go to the profile of Vanessa Costa
Vanessa Costa
Apaixonada por resolver problemas e procuro disseminar uma abordagem colaborativa para co-criar projetos que possam ser realmente relevantes na vida das pessoas
Go to the profile of Murilo Guerra
Murilo Guerra
Product Designer at C6 Bank, Brazil.
Go to the profile of Giulliano Morroni
Giulliano Morroni
Mais um apaixonado por Inovação, Tecnologia e Design
Go to the profile of Beatriz Gonzales - UX Designer
Beatriz Gonzales - UX Designer
Sr Analyst UI/UX Design at @AvanadeBrasil. Talk about design, career, and technology. 👉
Go to the profile of Guta Tolmasquim
Guta Tolmasquim
Empreendedora e especialista em branding, descobrindo como medir marcas de forma eficiente. Founder da Brand Gym e atualmente CEO do Purple Metrics.
Go to the profile of Daniele Andres
Daniele Andres
UX Designer no Burger King, arquiteta de informação na essência, professora na faculdade Dom Bosco e várias outras coisas nas horas vagas
Go to the profile of Mariane Ortega
Mariane Ortega
Principal Designer • Design Lead at Avenue Code
Go to the profile of Tathiane Avila
Tathiane Avila
Product Designer System at Cielo | UI & Visual Designer Specialist
Go to the profile of Amanda Nunes / Ada :)
Amanda Nunes / Ada :)
Designer | User Experience | Strategist |Writer :) behance.net/adabrandxp
Go to the profile of Bruno Rodrigues
Bruno Rodrigues
Lendo, estudando e dando a minha versão sobre questões de UX e Produto, por aqui. linkedin.com/in/brunodrioli
Go to the profile of Daniel Salengue
Daniel Salengue
Product Manager com background em engenharia de software.
Go to the profile of Jefferson de Camargo
Go to the profile of Jaqueline Stierle
Jaqueline Stierle
Product designer at Conta Azul | Editor of UX Collective
Go to the profile of Lo-Ammi Santos
Lo-Ammi Santos
Acredito no Design para criar produtos sem barreiras de acesso e inclusivo a todos os tipos de pessoas.
Go to the profile of Bruna Campos
Bruna Campos
Product Designer - SP, Brasil https://www.behance.net/brucampos
Go to the profile of Glaucia Lopes
Glaucia Lopes
Content Designer no Nubank | Tradutora e revisora no UX Collective
Go to the profile of Marina Meireles
Marina Meireles
UX enthusiast in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Go to the profile of Flavia P Simonassi
Flavia P Simonassi
UX | Product Designer
Go to the profile of Nataly Gossler
Go to the profile of Fausto Mastrella
Fausto Mastrella
Tech Lead na Infracommerce
Go to the profile of Paulo Ricardo
Paulo Ricardo
Apaixonado por tecnologia, UX e todas as formas de comunicação. Aprendiz de design, tipografia e pesquisa. https://www.linkedin.com/in/pauloricardosdasilva/
Go to the profile of Gabriel Correa
Gabriel Correa
UX Designer.
Go to the profile of Karina Somers Lopes
Karina Somers Lopes
Product designer
Go to the profile of Guto Martins
Guto Martins
ia/uxd/ui & front
Go to the profile of Lucas GC
Go to the profile of Carol Fanhoni
Carol Fanhoni
Ux writer, content creator and a growing woman
Go to the profile of Monica Dawud
Monica Dawud
Product Designer linkedin.com/in/monicadawud/
Go to the profile of Fernanda Machado
Fernanda Machado
Product Manager | Behavioral Economist | Carioca
Go to the profile of William Leal
William Leal
Product Manager | williamleal.com
Go to the profile of Ana Steinbach
Ana Steinbach
Marketing and Design Manager | Brazil
Go to the profile of Deniseyumiya
pesquisadora, designer e produteira
Go to the profile of Junior Guedes
Junior Guedes
Looking for spaces where I can learn, reinvent myself, find new challenges and grow.
Go to the profile of Sophia Cavalcanti
Sophia Cavalcanti
Lead Product Designer at ília
Go to the profile of André Bernardes | UX Falando
André Bernardes | UX Falando
Design Lead and Master UX Designer no @SiDi | Instrutor de Design | Criador do @UX.Falando no Instagram
Go to the profile of Marcelo Tokarnia
Marcelo Tokarnia
Software Engineer @ isaac
Go to the profile of Camila
UX/UI designer no Inter e fã número 1 de música e astrofísica.
Go to the profile of Lucas de Casttelo
Lucas de Casttelo
UX/UI Designer, Palhaço profissional, mestre em Literatura, Cultura e contemporaneidade.
Go to the profile of Jaylon Henrique
Jaylon Henrique
senior product manager
Go to the profile of Yves Bastos
Yves Bastos
Product Manager na Stone
Go to the profile of Mayra Sasso
Mayra Sasso
UX Strategist and Teacher. Complex projects researcher and solver. Working with User Centered projects since 2000.
Go to the profile of Fernando Cruz
Fernando Cruz
Digital Product Expert, ajudando a fomentar a cultura de produtos para as pessoas e organizações.
Go to the profile of Marcus Dutra
Go to the profile of Duda Bona
Duda Bona
A generalist leader and natural improviser. My purpose is to solve problems while discovering valuable innovations along the way.
Go to the profile of Raquel Godoy
Raquel Godoy
UX Writer @Mercado Pago
Go to the profile of Ilyucha Porto
Go to the profile of Fernando Picamilho
Fernando Picamilho
Gamer | Designer | Vegetariano | As vezes escrevo sobre coisas.
Go to the profile of Renata Faria
Renata Faria
Gerente de Produtos no AllowMe. Estudante de mestrado na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Go to the profile of Leonardo Filho
Go to the profile of Guilherme Cohen
Go to the profile of Guilherme Afonso
Guilherme Afonso
Product • UX • Marketing • TI
Go to the profile of Lídia Cavalcante
Lídia Cavalcante
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Luna Almeida
Luna Almeida
Product manager at Arbo
Go to the profile of Larissa Brancalhão
Larissa Brancalhão
For more UX content, follow me on Instagram @lari.brancalhao and Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laribrancalhao/
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Luis Garcia
Rodrigo Luis Garcia
User Experience Lead at Passei Direto
Go to the profile of Winni Macedo Mizael
Winni Macedo Mizael
Um profissional de produtos, entusiasta da arte, principalmente a fotografia e o cinema, escrevo coisas que gosto, que estudo e que gostaria de ouvir.
Go to the profile of Karoline Rodrigues
Karoline Rodrigues
UX Writer no Mercado Livre. Dorameira nas horas vagas.
Go to the profile of Juliana Santana
Juliana Santana
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Pedro Santos
Pedro Santos
Head of Design at Guidance | UX Researcher & Service Designer
Go to the profile of Gustavo Kappey Basi
Go to the profile of giovannamchiarion
I have been a product designer for 5 years. I have a degree in digital design and fashion design, with an MBA specializing in agile project management.
Go to the profile of Renato Pereira
Go to the profile of Pablo Figueiredo
Go to the profile of James Sabel
James Sabel
Technical writer de profissão. Escrevo sobre tech writing, UX writing, arquitetura da informação e design de conteúdo.
Go to the profile of Karina Tronkos
Karina Tronkos
Mentora de design na Apple Developer Academy, 5x vencedora do Scholarship da Apple, criadora de conteúdo no Nina Talks e Cientista da Computação :)
Go to the profile of Elaine Almeida Santos
Elaine Almeida Santos
Designer gráfico apaixonada por artes e boas ideias. Sempre aberta a novas experimentações, principalmente nos campos de: branding e UX/UI.
Go to the profile of Gabriel Arruda
Gabriel Arruda
Product Designer | Design System
Go to the profile of Myrela Barros
Myrela Barros
UX Designer com MBA em UX Research, Operações de Pesquisa e Liderança em Design
Go to the profile of Vanessa Forti
Vanessa Forti
São Paulo, Brasil | UX Writer. Escrevendo sobre assuntos aleatórios aqui no Medium desde 2020. Instagram: @vanessa_forti
Go to the profile of Juliemar Berri
Juliemar Berri
A curious product and tech person. lover of behavior change | CPO @amicci
Go to the profile of Pâmella Fialho
Pâmella Fialho
Alguém que curte aprender coisas novas e compartilhar conhecimento usando a escrita para tal. Plantando e podando árvores por aí.
Go to the profile of Luiz Lucas
Go to the profile of Laurem Crossetti
Laurem Crossetti
UX Designer with a crush on user research. Problem lover, human rights advocate & sustainability enthusiast. Part-time gardener, full time curious mind.
Go to the profile of Verônica Motti
Verônica Motti
Content Designer, left-handed UX writer writing in Portuguese and English.
Go to the profile of Ana Augusta
Go to the profile of Laura Alvarenga
Laura Alvarenga
Senior Content Designer na TOTVS e entusiasta de energético após o almoço.
Go to the profile of Guilherme Franco
Guilherme Franco
Product Designer, UX Researcher, vegan and low profile
Go to the profile of Bruna Sodré
Bruna Sodré
UX Strategy Specialist - Analítica existencial & experiência. A verdade está no mundo à nossa volta.
Go to the profile of Mari Müller
Mari Müller
Staff UX Designer/ Strategist. Master in UX Design Strategic Management https://www.linkedin.com/in/mari-muller/
Go to the profile of Fabio Murakami
Fabio Murakami
Gestor de Projetos e Especialista em Projetos Educacionais escrevo sobre educação, gestaodeprojetos e tecnologias. Geek e Doutorando em Ciência da Informação.
Go to the profile of Gabriel Simões
Gabriel Simões
Engenheiro e designer. Pós-graduado em UX. Falo sobre design e sociedade na UX Collective e sobre design conversacional na Bots Brasil.
Go to the profile of Jean Carlos da Campo
Jean Carlos da Campo
Escrevo para aprender e compartilhar. É minha forma de retribuir à comunidade e ajudar outros a crescerem.
Go to the profile of Lelis Lemos
Lelis Lemos
UX Writer | Content Designer Specialist
Go to the profile of Felipe Dal Molin
Felipe Dal Molin
Former Principal Game Designer at Aquiris. Horizon Chase 1 & 2, Wonderbox, Dungleon, Spooklands. Wants to make great games.
Go to the profile of Gabriel Oliveira
Gabriel Oliveira
Existe alguém aqui.
Go to the profile of _erinhoos
_antropólogo, barista informal, errante incorrigível, cantor de karaokê, sérião nas horas vagas
Go to the profile of Willian Magalhães
Willian Magalhães
Content Designer based in Berlin. Loves UX Writing, UX, Education and Technology. My hobbies are gaming and watching TV series. 🎮 📺
Go to the profile of Atila Velo
Atila Velo
UX Writer / Content Designer e profissional de IA. Adora pessoas, escrever, tecnologia, café, política, psicologia, filosofia, rock’n’roll e gatos.
Go to the profile of Aneliza Pinheiro
Aneliza Pinheiro
Journalist and UX Writer at Gympass. In love with people and building experiences :)
Go to the profile of Viviane Lins
Viviane Lins
Senior Product Designer
Go to the profile of Lee Mvasconcellos
Go to the profile of Juliana Piesco
Juliana Piesco
Desdobramentos mais prolixos de pensamentos. Sempre aberta a trocar ideias. Me siga no Instagram: @jupiesco
Go to the profile of Ilian Victória
Ilian Victória
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Matheus Cervo
Matheus Cervo
UX/UI Designer. Master's degree in Communication. Social Scientist with emphasis in Digital Anthropology.
Go to the profile of Vanessa Almeida Martins
Vanessa Almeida Martins
UX/UI em constante evolução 🚀
Go to the profile of Carol Costa
Go to the profile of Victoria Barros
Victoria Barros
victoriabarrosl.myportfolio.com/ & linkedin.com/in/victoriabarrosl/
Go to the profile of Alanis Cruz
Alanis Cruz
UX/UI Designer. Escrevo sobre tudo que eu aprendo.
Go to the profile of Camila Gritten
Camila Gritten
Chatbot Content Designer 🤖
Go to the profile of Fabio Suman
Fabio Suman
UX Designer no Fleury Lab, pai do Beni e apaixonado por motos. https://www.fabiosuman.com.br/
Go to the profile of Sofia Semionato
Sofia Semionato
escrevendo sobre meu olhar de design | estratégico, visual e conceitual - de serviços, de produtos e de experiências
Go to the profile of Anne Freitas
Anne Freitas
Leia meus textos e mentalize uma imagem minha :D
Go to the profile of Camila Rubinato
Camila Rubinato
Designer | UX Researcher | Strategist
Go to the profile of Livia Xavier
Livia Xavier
Sou viciada em café. E sim, meu sobrenome é Xavier, mas não tenho parentesco com o Professor Xavier dos X-Men – embora eu adorasse ter seus poderes telepáticos!
Go to the profile of Andrea Allabi
Andrea Allabi
Trago minhas experiências, percepções e questões sobre o universo de UX Writing e das palavras.
Go to the profile of Thalita Choqueres
Go to the profile of Juliana Ângelo
Juliana Ângelo
Content Ops | Content Designer | UX Writer | Designer Conversacional | Tech Writer | Liderança LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juangelog/
Go to the profile of Izaias
Designing products, solving problems, and dreaming of a place where winter actually feels like winter — https://www.linkedin.com/in/izaias
Go to the profile of Ilana Heymowski
Ilana Heymowski
Product Designer based in Brasil.
Go to the profile of Luciana Lana
Luciana Lana
Senior UX Researcher at Nubank
Go to the profile of Sandyara Peres
Sandyara Peres
Mulher, cigana, pesquisadora e coordenadora em acessibilidade & inclusão.
Go to the profile of Iane Fadigas
Iane Fadigas
Product Designer at AmbevTech + Writer
Go to the profile of Maria Beatriz (Mabi)
Maria Beatriz (Mabi)
Content Designer. Compartilhando minha jornada e aprendendo com a comunidade de UX✨️
Go to the profile of Natasha Kaweski
Natasha Kaweski
I'm a Product Designer focused on Design System. https://kawe.ski
Go to the profile of Gustavo Wascheck
Go to the profile of NathaliaBuch